Over the past five years, Andrés Aparicio, known mononymously as Andrés, has become a household name in the progressive post-hardcore scene. Having collaborated with heavy hitters like Strawberry Girls, Webmoms and Kurt Travis, Andrés's music has not only won over the fans, it's become part of standard rotation on many of his musical peers playlists. Though some fans' exposure to this quirky songwriter may have been through other bands, his solo music certainly holds it's own right next to the immense talent in the scene. On his fourth full-length album, Adventures Of A Diy Astronaut, Andrés takes us on a theatrical romp that incorporates the major tenets of his core scene (jazz stylings, math rock, post-hardcore), as well as elements of mainstream pop, musical theater, hip-hop and cheeky nods to artists like Fall Out Boy, who originally inspired him to become a musician. It's autobiographical, playful, sometimes awkwardly honest and often downright comedic. Andrés turns real-life experience to fable and doesn't take himself too seriously while doing it, creating a truly welcoming, relatable experience that could become a staple at your next dance party.
Released / 09/16/2022
Catalogue / KLLI-91108428
Barcode / 605491108428
Artist / Andres
Label / Kill Iconic Records
Genre / Pop / Rock