2025 Warehouse Sale!
6703 Sylvan Drive
Loveland, OH 45140
We're in the process of moving warehouses so we decided to have a huge sale with some of the used that's been laying around. This sale is only on used product, no new records. We estimate the number of records to be around 150,000. There's somewhere between 90,000 and 100,000 45s, 50,000 LPs, and 5,000 or so 78s. All records will be priced at $1 or $3 These are records that we've sorted through - so please have realistic expectations. You're not going to find any mint condition original Blue Notes in here. If you enjoy our $3 bin at the shop, or if you enjoy a dig through cheap records, this is absolutely for you! Plan on spending some time here - it should be a blast!

No. Please dress appropriately. Hopefully the weather gods are kind to us for this weekend!
No. We will open the doors at 9am to everyone.
We don't anticipate needing a line or queue. With 160,000 records, there should be plenty for everyone to dig through. It's not like we concentrated all of the "good" records in one area of the warehouse. It's absolutely random. The warehouse is 3,000+ square feet so we expect there to be enough room for everyone. But, if needed, things could change at any time depending on how many folks show.
For the most part, no. We will have sections that are on "tables" but most of the records will be lined up in rows on the ground. I would plan on bringing a stool or crate or something to sit on. We will do our best to have some decent crates for folks to sit on.
We plan on having 1-3 Numark portable turntables for folks to play test things if they'd like. I know, I know, many of you are used to the nice listening stations are the store with Technics 1200s. We probably won't have those in the warehouse for this.
No. This will be a true warehouse dig. 45s, LPs, and 78s should be separated, but beyond that, anything goes!
Any other questions?
If we still haven't answered your question, you can contact us below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.